Unlock the potential of the window technique, a straightforward and dependable method for achieving impeccable aesthetics through composite artistry.
How to Access Courses & Choose a Membership Plan:
To watch courses, you must first become a member. We offer two membership options: Standard and Premium.
Standard Membership:
You not only gain access to case presentations, clinical case tips, and more, but you also have the option to purchase courses either individually or as a series.
Premium Membership:
Get it all with premium membership, including access to the photography and composite courses. Join today and lock in a lower annual membership fee.
Simplicity and Versatility: Explore the technique's versatility, which allows for execution with as few as two shades, whether using tints or not, simplifying the process of achieving optimal esthetic results.
Lab-Inspired Approach: Discover how the window technique draws parallels to the cut-back technique employed by laboratory technicians in porcelain restorations, offering a simplified approach to achieving outstanding esthetic outcomes in composite dentistry
Reliable Aesthetic Excellence: Master this reliable and precise technique to consistently create composite restorations that exude aesthetic excellence and enhance your skills in composite artistry.
Standard Membership Price: $399.00
Course Included with Premium Membership
Length: 50 mins | .75 CE Credit
With Standard Membership you have the flexibility to purchase courses individually, but for those planning to watch all seven courses in the composite series, after joining, I recommend either purchasing the course series bundle or elevating your experience to a Premium Membership.
With Premium Membership, you’ll unlock access to not only the photography course series but also the composite course series.
How does membership work? Here's a breakdown.
Composite Course Series: $1,799.00
With a Standard Membership, you have the choice to either purchase courses individually or opt for the composite course series, which offers a savings of $420.00.
Elevate your skills in the art and science of composite restorations and achieve impeccable esthetic outcomes.
How does membership work? Here's a breakdown.